Laboratoire d'Expérimentation en Sciences Sociales et Analyse des Comportements

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Angela Sutan


I am a (HDR) Professor in Behavioral and Experimental Economics at the Economics and Social Sciences Departement (Burgundy School of Business).

My research fields are related to social and antisocial behaviors, beliefs formation in negative feedback environments and credence goods in the wine domain and pro-environmental attitudes.

I often participate in media debates (Le Monde, The Conversation, radio and TV...).

In 2008, I created the LESSAC and I am now supervising its research, pedagogical and science popularization activities. I was part of the Ministry of Research Exhibition "145 women talk about science" and I coordinated the Big Experiment (la Grande Experience Participative) for the Researchers' Night.

I am also the co-director of the Msc in Data Science and Organizational Behavior.

For the 2016-2022 period, I was the SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics) Country Representative (for France) and an elected member of the SABE Board, and since January 2018, I am the General Secretary of the ASFEE (Association Française d'Economie Expérimentale - the french experimentalists' association). I am currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the EUROPEAN PHD IN SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND STATISTICAL STUDIES at La Sapienza, Rome.

Visiting research stays: LUISS Rome; La Sapienza, Rome; Geary Institute, UCD Dublin; Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona; LISER Luxembourg; CeNDEF (Center for Nonlinear Dynamics in Economics and Finance), University of Amsterdam; MELESSA, Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich.

Research grants (selection):

ANR Be-Aware (selected 2022): 2023-2026, Bringing environmental issues closer to the public with augmented reality (CoPI; PI Martin Hachet, INRIA Bordeaux)

ISITE UBFC International Coach (2019-2022): Research coaching for the LESSAC team by Uri Gneezy (PI).

BEAM - Behavioral and Experimental Analyses in Macro-finance (2016-2020), ANR Open Research Area for the Social Sciences in Europe ANR – DFG – ESRC – NWO (PI: Nobuyuki Hanaki)

La Grande Expérience Participative - Nuit des Chercheurs (2016, PI) : avec Youenn Loheac, Astrid Hopfensitz, Marc Willinger... (co-PIs) et avec tous les auteurs de ce papier.

VINPEST - “An experimental investigation of the willingness to respect the environment”, APR Pesticides, 2010 – 2013, Ministry of Ecology (PI)

TWAIN – “Technology use at Work And INnovative work practices: Assessing the impact on work environment, employees' motivations and effort”, 2012- 2016, FNR (Fonds National de Recherche) Luxembourg (PI: Ludivine Martin).

Academic publications:

(2023) Bonescu, M., Ginon, E., Tavilla, V., Biguzzi, C., Sutan, A. Représentations de la convivialité : De l'imaginaire social du repas au bien-être alimentaire. Décisions Marketing, 2022. (CNRS3)

(2022) Branas, P., Cabrales, A., Mateu, G., Sanchez, A., Sutan, A. Social interaction and negotiation outcomes: An experimental approach, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, in press.(CNRS3)

(2022) Tisserand, J-C., Hopfensitz, A., Blondel, S., Loheac, Y., Mantilla, C., Mateu, G., Rosaz, J., Rozan, A., Willinger, M., Sutan, A. Management of common pool ressources: a nation-wide experiment. Ecological Economics, 2022. (CNRS1)

(2022) Vranceanu, R., Sutan, A. Should the firm or the employee pay for upskilling? A contract theory approach. Managerial and Decision Economics, 2022. (CNRS 3)

(2022) Parizot, A., Bonescu, M., Caseau, C., Tavilla, V., Sutan, A., Brouard, J. Territoire de terroir(s) et marque de terroir : branding territorial? Expérience touristique holistique et sensorielle. Étude de cas. In: Stratégies de commercialisation des produits de terroir: construire des alliances territoriales à travers l'implication des parties prenantes, 2022.

(2020) Cochard, F., Flage, A., Grolleau, G., Sutan, A. Are individuals more generous in loss contexts?. Social Choice and Welfare (CNRS 1).

(2020) Max, S., Grolleau, G., Sutan, A., Perchot, R. On Signaling Disability in Anonymous Economic Games. Journal of Economic Psychology (CNRS 2).

(2020) "Are individuals with entrepreneurial characteristics more likely to engage in destruction? An experimental investigation among potential 21st century entrepreneurs in Tunisia" (wth Grolleau, G., El Harbi, S., Benticha, Z.. Bulletin of Economic Research, 2019, Jan. 2020, Vol. 72 (1), pp. 33-49. (CNRS 3)

(2020) Sutan, A., Mateu, G., Aimar, T., Boudaoui, Y. Entrepreneurial Alertness in Eustress Complex Environments: an Experimental Approach of the Exploitation/Exploration Dilemma. Strategic Change, 2020, 29,(3): 301-309. (CNRS 3).

(2020) Utkarsh, Pandey, A., Ashta, A., Spiegelman, E., Sutan, A. Catch them young: Impact of financial socialization, financial literacy and attitude towards money on financial well-being of young adults. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2020. (CNRS 4)

(2020) Utkarsh, Asheesh, P., Ashta, A., Spiegelman, E., Sutan, A. Exploration of financial stress indicators in a developing economy. Strategic Change, 2020, 29,(3): 285-292. (CNRS 3).

(2019) "On the Merit of Equal Pay: When Influence Activities Interact with Incentive Setting", European Economic ReviewVolume 113, April 2019, Pages 23-45, (with B. Corgnet, L. Martin, and P. Ndodjang) (CNRS 1)

(2019) "The Strategic Environment Effect in Beauty Contest Games" (with N. Hanaki, Y. Koriyama, M. Willinger), Games and Economic BehaviorVolume 113, January 2019, Pages 587-610 (CNRS 1).

(2019) "Fee Structure, Return Chasing and Mutual Fund Choice: An Experiment" (with M. Anufriev, T. Bao, J.Tuinstra), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 158, February 2019, Pages 449-474 (CNRS 2).

(2019) "Égoïste maintenant, ou altruiste (pour) demain ? Stratégies inter vs. intra générationnelles pour la conservation d’une ressource commune" (with Ajdukovic, I., Spiegelman, E.), Revue Économique, 2019, 70,(6): 1153-1168. (CNRS 2).

(2019) "Discontent with taxes and the timing of taxation: Experimental evidence" (with Vranceanu, R., Dubart, D.), Revue Économique, 2019, 6,(70): 1227-1240.(CNRS 2)

(2019) "Does advertising the green benefits of products contribute to sustainable development goals? A quasi-experimental test of the dilution effect" (with Grolleau, G., Mzoughi N), Business Strategy and the Environment, 2019, 28,(5): 786-793. (FNEGE 3, CNRS 4)

(2019) "Le vin : des mots pour le boire et le dire en Beaujolais" (Tavilla, V., Bonescu, M., Brouard, J., Sutan, A.), Recherches en Communication, 48, pp. 47-68.

(2018) "Facta non verba: an experiment on pledging and giving" (with G. Grolleau, G. Mateu, R. Vranceanu), Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 65, April 2018, Pages 1-15 (CNRS 2).

(2018) "Registered Replication Report on Srull and Wyer (1979)" (with Randy J. McCarthy et al.), Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Vol 1, Issue 3, pp. 321 – 336.

(2018) "Registered Replication Report on Mazar, Amir, and Ariely (2008)"(with Bruno Verschuere et al.), Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science, Vol 1, Issue 3, pp. 299 – 317.

(2018) "Do We Need More Time to Give Less?" (with S. Harbi, G. Grolleau, M. Jedidi), Bulletin of Economic Research 70: 400-409. (CNRS 3).

(2017) "Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie" (avec Loheac Youenn et al.), Revue Économique, 2017/5, pp. 163-176. (CNRS 2).

(2017) "Surveillance par les technologies de l'information : une expérience d'effort réel" (with B. Corgnet, L. Martin, P. Ndjogang), Revue Économique, 2017/5, pp. 96-111. (CNRS 2).

(2017) "Selecting board members: the impact of common knowledge on gender diversity, an experimental investigation" (with F. Galia, F. Lentz, S. Max, E. Zenou), Managerial and Decision Economics, Vol. 38, Issue 6, September 2017, Pages: 806–821. (CNRS 3).

(2016)"Cheating and loss aversion: do people lie more to avoid a loss?” (with G. Grolleau, M. Kocher), Management Science, 62 (12), pp. 3428-3438. (CNRS 1eg).

(2016) "Lying about delegation" (with R. Vranceanu), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 121, January 2016, Pages 29–40. (CNRS 2).

(2016) "Do People Contribute More to Intra-temporal or Inter-temporal Public Goods?" (with G. Grolleau, R. Vranceanu), Research in Economics, March 2016, Vol. 70, No. 1, p. 186-195. (CNRS 3).

(2016) "The interplay of inequality and reference dependence with trust - An experimental study" (with S. El Harbi, G. Grolleau, H. Saadaoui), Bulletin of Economic Research, Volume 68, No. 2, pp. 117-123, April 2016. (CNRS 3).

(2016) "The impact of monitoring and sanctions on cheating: Experimental evidence from Tunisia" (with G. Grolleau, S. Harbi, I. Bekir, N. Mzoughi), Managerial and Decision Economics7(37), 461-473. (CNRS 3).

(2016) "Are children more paternalistic than their mothers when choosing snacks?" (with S. Marette, S. Issanchou, S. Monnery-Patris, E. Ginon), Journal of Economic Psychology55, 61-76. (CNRS 2).

(2016) "Comment valoriser et vulgariser l’expérience culinaire et gastronomique ?" (avec M. Bonescu). In JJ. Boutaud et al., La gastronomie au cœur de la cité, Dijon: Editions Universitaires de Dijon, 2016, p. 63-68.

(2016) "Le vin du futur : de la convention à la création" (with. M.Bonescu, JJ. Boutaud, J. Brouard, C. Caseau, V.Tavilla), in "Cuisine du futur et alimentation de demain", L'Harmattan, Questions alimentaires et gastronomiques, sous la direction de K. Stengel, JJ Boutaud, Mars 2016, pp. 121-136.

(2016) “Mandatory Integrated Pest Management in the European Union: Experimental insights on consumers' reactions", (with Lefebvre M., Biguzzi C., Ginon E., Gomez-y-Paloma S., Langrell S., Marette S., Mateu G.), Review of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Studies, July 2017, Volume 98, Issue 1–2, pp 25–54.(CNRS 4).

(2015) "Efficiency, equality, positionality: What do people maximize? Experimental vs. Hypothetical Evidence from Tunisia” (with S. Harbi, G. Grolleau), Journal of Economic Psychology, 2015, 47, 77-84. (CNRS 2)

(2015) “Behavioral microfinance: evidence from a field experiment in Egypt” (with G. Mateu, H. Alia), Strategic Change, 24, pp. 85-97, Jan. 2015. (CNRS 3).

(2015) "Le vin de demain : une trajectoire sensible de l’engagement responsable" (with M.Bonescu, J. Brouard, V.Tavilla), in JJ. Boutaud, eds. ISTE, Sensible et communication, Collection Sciences Cognitives, 2015, p. 163-181.

(2013) "Apports de l'expérimentation dans l'étude de la réception en SIC : le cas des étiquettes de vin" (avec M.Bonescu, D. Bratu, E. Ginon), Journal of Communication Studies, Vol 6, No 1(11) (2013).

(2013) "Having a drink in a bar": an immersive approach to explore the effects of context on food choice” (with C. Sester, O. Deroy, F. Galia, J.-F. Desmarchelier, D. Valentin, C. Dacremont), Food Quality and Preference, Volume 28, Issue 1, April 2013, Pages 23-31.

(2013) "Perception of wine quality according to extrinsic cues: The case of Burgundy wine consumers" (with M.P. Sáenz-Navajas, E.Campo, J. Ballester, D. Valentin), Food Quality and Preference, Vol. 27, Issue 1, January 2013, pages 44-53.

(2012) “Escaping the zero-sum game of positional races" (with G. Grolleau, I. Galochkin), Kyklos, Vol. 65, November 2012, No. 4, pp. 464–479. (CNRS 2)

(2012) "Trust and financial trades: Lessons from an investment game where reciprocators can hide behind probabilities" (with R. Vranceanu and D. Dubart), (JBEE) former The Journal of Socio-Economics, 41, 2012, pp. 72–78. (CNRS 3)

(2012) "How Can Positional Concerns Prevent the Adoption of Socially Desirable Innovations?" (with G. Grolleau, N. Mzoughi, S. Salhi), Journal of Economic Issues, XLVI, No.3, Sept. 2012, pp. 799-808. (CNRS 3)

(2012) "The taste of soy is not a barrier for me to its consumption. What about you?"(with T. Viet Phu and D. Valentin), Appetite, Volume 58, Issue 3, June 2012, pages 914-921.

(2011) "My teammate, myself and I: Evidence on equity and equality norms in team-formation experiments in France, Japan and Spain" (with B. Corgnet and R. Veszteg), JBEE, formerThe Journal of Socio-Economics, 40, 2011, pp. 347–355. (CNRS 3)

(2010) "Mon  équipe et moi : nomes d'équité et égalité" (with B.Corgnet and R.Veszteg), Revue Économique, vol. 4, juillet 2010, pp.771-782. (CNRS 2)

(2009) "Guessing with negative feedback: an experiment" (with M. Willinger), Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, vol. 33/2009, no. 5, pp. 1123-1133. (CNRS 1)

(2009) "The impact of envy related behaviours on development" (with G. Grolleau, N. Mzoughi), Journal of Economic Issues, 43, 3, September 2009, pp. 795-808. (CNRS 3)

(2008) "Do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation of pirating behaviour in presence of a donation mechanism" (with G. Grolleau, N. Mzoughi), The Journal of Socio-Economics, Volume 37, Issue 6, December 2008, pp. 2417-2426. (CNRS 4)

(2007) "Quand les cercles vicieux deviennent vertueux: une expérience de marché cobweb circulaire" (with M. Willinger), Revue d'Économie Industrielle, n°114, 2007. (CNRS 3)

(2006) "Raisonnement divinatoire à feedback négatif: une investigation expérimentale" (with M. Willinger), Revue Économique, vol.57, n°2, mars 2006, pp.281-296. (CNRS 2)